LSPD - Firearm Licensing Request (PF)
In this form you can apply for a Purchase Firearms license; which enables you to buy firearms from State-permitted vendors. This license does not permit you to conceal carry the weapon on your person.
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Name *
Date of Birth *
Cellphone Number *
Address *
Ethnicity *
Height *
Weight *
Do you possess a valid San Andreas State Drivers' License *
Will you submit to a physical and mental evaluation before receiving your permit? *
Have you ever been arrested or held in law enforcement custody other than a traffic stop? *
Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic violation? *
Have you used narcotics (including marijuana)? *
Why are you applying for a firearm permit? (75 words minimum) *
Provide the reason(s) to what makes you a responsible permit holder. (75 words minimum) *
List all make and model firearms you intend to purchase *
Where will the firearm(s) be stored? *
Do you agree that you must have a safe already in place; plausible for inspection before submitting your application? *
Proof of paying the Purchase Firearm Fee ((screenshot of bank transfer of $6,250 to the Los Santos Police Department)) *
Signed *
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