How about A Few Hours Of Java?

After my conference talks I received feedback from many ofyou "I'd like to have a training with you". Well, such an opportunity should happen soon ;-)

Unfortunately, we all live not in "interesting times" these days. There are some positives though, we can take part in a training without leaving our b̶a̶s̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶  home. Many of you also say that "my company won't let me go for a three day training" or "I don't have enough wifecoins to have a whole weekend for a training"...

The answer is: "modular trainings". Instead of making a gap in your job/life for 2-3-4 days and talk about huuuuge topics, we can meet for just a few hours and cover a reasonable subject from A to Z. This gives us a nice flexibility in terms of dates and also eliminates situations "I know half of it, why should I pay for the whole thing?" or "I don't want to make big payments upfront if I'm not sure I'm going to like it".

All my trainings aren't just about theory. Of course, the theory is present as well (and not only as a brief intro), but   the trainings are always workshops: the theory interlaces with the practice, so we know what works and how it works. I also answer questions in the meantime (these which are relevant, of course).

Now it's time for an embarrassing request: if you'd like to part in one of a few such modules, please fill out this form. The e-mail addresses aren't transferred anywhere, I'm not going to offer you super cellphone/internet plans or things like that. You'd be just notified about dates of modules interesting you.

See you!

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