Headstart | Moving to UAE

Do you want to start / move your startup to UAE? Please share your details and let us support you in this big move!!
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Email *
Your Full Name *
Phone (Whatsapp) *
City, Country (Let us know where are you currently based out of) *
What's the name of your Venture (Organization)? *
What's your current role in this Venture (Organization)? *
What describes you best? *
What's the Stage of your Startup? *
Which sector your startup is in? *
Briefly describe what your venture (Product / Service) is offering  *
Share the Website link / Link to the video which gives an overview about your product or services. If you don't have it, put "NA" *
How can Headstart community support you?
How would you like to support other founders in the Headstart Community?
Do you want to be added to our Whatsapp group?
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