Wiki-Event on International Women's day, March 8, Swedish Ministery
March 8, 13.00 - 17.00
Residence of the Swedish Ambassador
Lange Voorhout 28, Den Haag

The Swedish government is the first government in the world to have declared a feminist foreign policy, where equal representation for men and women is one of the fundamentals.

Wikipedia is a leading online encyclopedia, but there are currently more than four times as many articles written about men than women. In addition, 90% of those who write articles on Wikipedia are men.  The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Wikimedia want to put the spotlight on this inequality.

As a part of this initiative, the Swedish Embassy in The Hague has partnered with Wikimedia Nederland to create a local Wikipedia edit-a-thon inviting people to help us write articles about leading women in science, business, culture and politics. Wikimedia will be present to hold a short introduction on how to write articles for Wikipedia and will act as supervisors to guide our invited writers during the event.  Due to space limitations we can unfortunately only host up to 15 people, thus first come first served.

Please register before March 2.

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