AHFES Business validation service EoI form
A Business validation service is being offered by AHFES project. It will consist of 3 co-working sessions (2 hours in total) and 1 day of desk research. The service will be constructed around 1 item to be chosen between the following two topics:

A - Feedback on draft business plan.
B - Guidelines and tools on writing a business plan.

Please complete and submit the following form to apply for this AHFES service.
Please provide as much detail as possible. Also please take into account that AHFES can only provide its services to a limited number of companies (maximum of 10 SMEs) and the selection of them will be based on the information provided in this form.
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AHFES Business validation service
1. Name of the company *
2. Size of the company (turnover, staff) *
3. Contact Name and Contact Email *
4. Company Address *
5. Region/Country
6. Sector/sub sector *
7. Main products/services *
8. Which AHFES validation service is the item you are interested in (choose 1): *
9. Which of your products/service/markets would be the scope of the AHFES service? *
10. Describe the innovation/added value and or product market fit of this new product/service? *
11. What is the timeline expected to introduce this new product to market? *
12. What is your objective when asking for this service? (please describe in detail)
13. Describe any major challenge/barrier for your new product/service/market/segment *
Please use this section to add any additional relevant information that you would like to share
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