GWTCS తెలుగు బాల వైభవం Registration
Thank you for your interest in registering your child in "తెలుగు బాల వైభవం" - Telugu literary competitions being conducted by GWTCS on the occasion of its Golden Jubilee. These competitions are a fun way to encourage and  motivate children of all ages to display their skill in their mother tongue - Telugu language ! 

There are total of 3 competitions that any child can choose to participate  -  all 3 of them OR any of them. The entry into any of these is FREE but registration is required. Winning in any of the competition should not be the goal. Participation and doing one's best is the goal. Go ! Display  your skill in Telugu - be Proud !

Please note that all "Telugu Poem recitation with meaning" should submit their Poem ahead in time. After registration you will receive email to submit such details

Age groups :  Registered participants are grouped by age. Note that Age is determined as of Jan 01, 2024.
Group 1 :  05 - 11 years and
Group 2 :  12 - 18 years

The event location information along with detailed instructions will be shared before the event to all registered participants email address provided in registration

Please review the guidelines for more information on the competitions and FAQ :

Event Date / Timing: September 21 2024 - starts at 9:00 am ET

If any questions , please contact any of the volunteers below :
Raj Kovvali - 703.346.7372 | Siva Movva - 484.515.6305 | Bhanu Maguluri - 732.688.8634
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Participant Information:
Participant Full Name *
Date of Birth (proof required at the event)
Age of participant
Game Selection
Which competitions is your child interested to participate  ?
Parent/Guardian  Information:
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone #  :  use (nnn) nnn-nnnn format
Residential county of parent/participant
Residential State of parent/participant
Relationship to Participant
This event is run entirely by volunteers - can you too help and volunteer at the event ?
Terms and Conditions:
As a parent/guardian, I give permission for my child(ren) to participate in GWTCS "తెలుగు బాల వైభవం" (Telugu Bala Vaibhavam) competitions. I understand that the organizers may change the rules at any time, and the decision of the judges will be final. I also declare that I did not falsify any information, and understand that any such falsified information will result in disqualification. I understand that these competitions may be recorded to ensure fairness as well as for promotions and training. I permit GWTCS  to use my child(ren)’s names, pictures and/or videos for the above purposes.
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