Induction F10-232 - Working in room F10_232
Quiz for module Induction F10-232 - Working in room F10_232 (SI_F10-232_v3)
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Module Document Declaration
This module is based on the following documents which you must have read, and declared as read, and the following videos which you must declare as viewed:

SCI-CHEMSCI-SWP-11355 - Working in Room F10_232 Ver 26
VID-IND-Room 232 induction-3 - Working in Room F10_232 Video

-> The declaration statement has no bearing on your quiz score.
-> If you have declared the documents as read during a previous quiz attempt, you do not need to declare them as read again.
-> If you have passed the quiz previously but not declared the documents as read, you may declare them as read at any time but you do not need to pass the quiz again.
I declare...
… that I have read the following required documents, and viewed the following required videos (if applicable) for this module and will comply with the instructions and procedures contained within them. (Select all that apply)
Module Quiz
What are requirements for gainin access to the room 232? Choose all that apply. *
In the Chemical Sciences building floor map below, the nearest Fire Stairs to F10-232 are located at which position? *
Captionless Image
What safety features can be found in F10-232 room? Please, choose all that apply. *
Room 232 is a spark-free room. Tick all the items that are NOT allowed to be taken and operated in the room without laboratory manager approval: *
What personal protective equipment is required in Lab 232? Tick all that apply *
What personal protective equipment is provided in Lab 232? Tick all that apply. *
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