City of Norwich Tree Request Form
If you would like a tree planting in the tree lawn or front of your house, please read the information below and select "Next" to proceed to the tree planting request form.
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Norwich has many beautiful tree-lined streets. In an effort to add to our urban forest, the City of Norwich Street Tree Committee has secured funds from the Chenango County Soil and Water Conservation District for tree planting in 2024.
The Street Tree Committee and community volunteers will be planting trees in tree lawns, the strip of grass between the sidewalk and the curb, and potentially some in front yards if no suitable tree lawn exists, in front of homes and businesses.
No trees that are considered to be invasive or overly messy trees will be planted. The new trees will be able to stand up to the salt, drought, pollution and compaction that street trees endure. Small trees, such as serviceberry and hawthorn, will be planted under power lines and in smaller tree lawns, and large trees such as oak, hackberry and London planetree will be planted in large tree lawns with no wires.
To qualify for a tree you must have a tree lawn planting location: 
A tree lawn that is at least 4 feet wide by 4 feet long, that is more than 15 feet away from an intersection and 10 feet from hydrants, light poles, signs etc., and agree to care for your new tree. 
A front yard with minimal overhead or underground obstructions.

If you already have a tree in your tree lawn or trees in your yard that extend into the tree lawn, your property may not be chosen. 
Please fill out one form per address.  If you have any questions about the tree planting program or are interested in volunteering, please e-mail
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