Digital Business | Economy and Management of Islam | Accounting and Financial Management | Human Resources Management | Operations and Production Management | Strategic Management | Information Technology Management | Education Management | Business Law | Industrial Technology Management | Green Management System | Communication Management | Disaster Risk Management | Small and Medium Enterprises | Banking & Fintech
Webinar & Call For Papers
Saturday, January, 21st, 2023
Host by:
Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor, Indonesia
Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia
Pakuan University, Bogor, Indonesia
Indonesia Banking School, Jakarta, Indonesia
Widyatama University, Bandung, Indonesia
Galuh University, Ciamis, Indonesia
Tazkia Institute, Indonesia
Important dates:
1. Abstract submission deadline: January, 5th, 2023
2. Letter of Acceptance (LoA): January, 15th, 2023
3. Fullpaper submission deadline: January, 18th, 2023
4. Powerpoint (or video presentation) submission deadline: January, 18th, 2023
5. Proof of payment as Proceedings/Journal: January, 18th, 2023
6. Paper presentation: January, 21st, 2023
Conference Fee
1. Proceeding Presenter Fee: IDR200.000 (1 article)
2. Scientific Journal Fee: IDR800.000 (1 article, SINTA accredited or international journal)
3. Webinar participants: free (+IDR50.000 for e-certificate)
Conference fee for international participants:
1. Output is proceeding: USD 15
2. Output is International Journal: USD 55
Banking Transfer
For the Participants of Webinar (with e-certificate) / Call For Papers
International e-Conference on Management and Small Medium Enterprise (ICMSME) 2023
Bank Code 451
Account No. 1000323302 (on behalf of "Program Pascasarjana UIKA Bogor")
Please add unique code "23" behind the amount of your payment transfer.
For example:
for payment as a Call For Papers participant Rp200.000, then the amount transferred is "Rp200.023".
Payment confirmation:
Further information:
For International participants (Whatsapp):
Mr. Awang Darmawan Putra (+6282258602226)
Mr. Agung (+6281311299595)
Mr. Angga (+6282260161770)
For Indonesian participants (Whatsapp/Call):
Mrs. Huri (085719871321)
Mr. Erry Nugroho (085710003597)
Host by:
Ibn Khaldun Bogor University, Indonesia