Training for trainers "Better Together 2.0"
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Name and Surname *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Home address *
City: *
Phone *
E - mail *
Emergency contact person *
Name // phone number
What is your English level? *
Are you part of some organization? If yes, how long have you been involved in your organization and what have been your roles and tasks? *
Motivation and expectations - Why are you applying to take part at Training for Trainers? *
Relevant experience – What is your previous involvement in youth work? Please specify whether you took part in training for camp leaders or youth leaders, how long was it, as well whether you coordinated a workcamp or a youth exchange and provide more details on any of similar activities involving youth groups you did as a leader in the past. *
Any specific needs that we would need to know about (food, mobility, language or sensory issues etc.) *
If you have anything to add to your application, feel free to write it here
I am hereby giving my consent to Center for Intercultural Dialogue and its partners to use photos, videos  and/or statements of me for reporting and dissemination purposes. *
I would like to receive the latest news regarding mobility opportunities by being subscribed with my e-mail address to the organisation's newsletter. *
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