DFW Conference Reviewers
Would you like to help review conference proposals?  Take part in editing the Proceedings?  Simply be ready to answer questions about your area of expertise?  Please sign up here!

Also, I've provided suggested word limits for the questions below.  In the true Wallace tradition, please feel free to write more than the limits!  If you provide 25 pages of suggestions in response to one of our questions, it's very likely we have a place for you among our reviewers.  (Unless I hate all your suggestions...in which case it might get awkward... --Ryan)
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First Name *
Last Name *
Contact E-mail *
Please list the e-mail you'd prefer us to use when we need to get in touch with you.
Google Drive E-mail
Please enter the e-mail you use for Google Drive.  If you don't have access to Google Drive, then please leave this blank.
Past Conference Experiences (100-250 words) *
Please talk about your past experiences with the DFW conference, and how these affect your desire to be a reviewer.  In case you haven't attended the ISU conference, let us know about other DFW conferences you've attended, or other ways that you've engaged with the DFW Studies Community at large.
How You See the Proceedings (100-250 words) *
Let us know what role you believe the conference proceedings should play in the DFW Studies Community.  (As a conference chair, I feel the proceedings should highlight the scholarship and creativity of the community while also providing a stepping stone for some of our newest scholars.  But if you see additional ways that we can add to the community, please describe your thoughts here. --Ryan)
Your Academic Focus and Qualifications (100-250 words) *
Please let us know your area of focus (e.g. Contemporary American Literature, Creative Writing, Rhetoric) and your academic qualifications (e.g. Ph.D. Student, Artist in Residence).  The reviewer pool WILL be open to both academic and non-academic members.  In order to meet the needs of every member of the DFW Studies Community, we're looking for a combination of academics, creative writers, and Wallace fans.
Reference Websites (optional)
If you like, please feel free to point us to any websites or online articles that illustrate your qualifications to be a reviewer.  Academic articles, social media feeds, university bios, your blog on Wallace, feature articles - anything that shows your focus and expertise in relation to DFW Studies.
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