Raido Airdrop. Round 1
Raido is giving away 2% of its total supply for this airdrops campaign. Raido has a total supply of 86`250`000 tokens that's a total of 1`725`000 tokens to be given away for free!! In Round 1, will be distributed 200`000 RF tokens. Each participant will be given 15 RF tokens worth $3.3 after completing simple tasks. Each RF tokens is worth  21 cents.
If you refer your friends you will also get an additional of 5 RF tokens worth $1.1

You can not cheat and must remain signed until the end of  ICO. MAX 10`000 PARTICIPANTS
You can track your participation in Airdrop Spreadsheet:

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- Retweet our pinned tweet
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5. Like and follow us on facebook: 
- Share our pinned post

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