Magic of Materials Summer School, 8-10 July 2024, Student Application Form
Please complete all of the boxes in this form as fully as you can, this will help us to process your application  quickly. If for any reason you do not wish to use this Google Form please contact us for a word document version (

Your teacher must complete their section of the application independently from you, the teacher section of this application can be found at: Only applications with both student and teacher parts completed will be considered. A maximum of three participants will be selected from any one school, though you may submit as many applications as you see fit.

The deadline for submission of applications is midnight on Thursday 2nd May 2024, applications received after this will not be considered. All applicants will be notified as to whether or not they have been successful by Friday 17th May. This will be confirmed via the nominating teacher.

If a pupil has been successful in obtaining a place but is no longer able to attend for any reason please let us know as soon as possible so that the place can be offered to someone else.

We think we have included all information you need in the information pack on the schools website  but if you have any questions please contact the school organisers (

The form does not allow you to save your progress so please complete and submit in one sitting.

The information supplied in this form will be used by Assistant Director of Partnerships Janet Mee at St Paul’s School for the purposes of administering the course.
Pupil information will be used by the school to contact the parent and student only regarding this course.
Teacher information will be used by the school for communication about the summer school.
Personal information will only be kept for the purpose of the summer school and destroyed afterwards. For information on St Paul’s Privacy Policy please see
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Email *
Forename *
Surname *
Gender - we ask this question for the purposes of planning accommodation allocation only. *
Date of Birth *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Contact Email *
Parent/Guardian Contact Phone Number *
Full School Name
School Address including postcode
Nominating Teacher's Full Name
Nominating Teacher's Email Address
Please tell us in no more than 200 words why you would like to attend the Magic of Materials Summer School. You could tell us why you are interested in science, describe any other experiences you have had and perhaps what sort of career you would like to go into. This is your chance to convince us why we should choose you! *
We understand that this course takes place during term time and the necessary permissions for a residential course have been sought from the school for the dates 8-10 July 2023. *
We understand that the applicant will be attending the course for academic and scholarly purposes and that any behaviour deemed unacceptable may result in the participant being required to leave the course. *
We confirm that all the details supplied are correct to the best of our knowledge *
By submitting this form you are signing a declaration that in applying for the St Paul's School Magic of Materials Summer School you have checked with your school that you are allowed to attend and that all information provided is true to the best of your knowledge.
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