ICAI Mentorship Application Form
Thank you for your interest in mentoring newcomers through the Immigrant Council for Arts Innovation (ICAI). We offer 2 mentorship programs: the Newcomer Arts Professional Program (NAPP) [previously called the Immigrant Arts Mentorship Program (IAMP)] and the Mentors in Residence (MiR) program.

While NAPP is a paid program, MiR is a volunteer program. 

Please take the time to complete this application form carefully.

Applications for MiR and NAPP mentors are accepted on an ongoing basis throughout the year.

Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee selection as a mentor. Mentor selection is based on the specific needs of our members for MiR and the mentees selected for NAPP.

About ICAI:
The Immigrant Council for Arts Innovation (ICAI) is an Alberta-based arts council founded in January 2019 to connect newcomer and immigrant artists, arts administrators, and cultural workers to the existing arts community.

Mentor Eligibility for MiR and NAPP
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • If an immigrant, you must have been in Canada for at least two years 
  • For NAPP: Must commit to at least four hours per month, usually between January and July each year
  • For MiR: Typically requires a commitment of two hours per month
  • Please note that only selected mentors will be contacted

Before completing this form, please visit our website to learn more about our mentorship programs:  MiR (2 hours a month required), and NAPP (4 hours a month required)

Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our community!
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Email *
Full name *
Pronouns *
Phone number *
Email address *
Which city in Alberta do you currently reside in?

Note: For NAPP, you must live in either Edmonton or Calgary or be able to attend events in these cities if selected.

Please specify your artistic practice and/or share your journey into the arts.
If you are an immigrant, how long have you lived in Canada?
If you were not born in Canada, what other countries have you lived in?
Please include all countries if you have lived in multiple places.

What is your current residency status in Canada if you are an immigrant or newcomer?  *
Why are you interested in mentoring newcomers or immigrant arts professionals? *
Which of our mentorship programs are you interested in?
Please indicate if you are open to participating in both programs, though you will only be assigned one at a time.
Do you have any previous experience working with, volunteering, mentoring, or teaching newcomers and immigrants in Canada?
Please elaborate on your experience.
If you are a newcomer or immigrant artist/arts manager, did you receive mentorship when you arrived in Canada? *
Please elaborate on your experience. *
Have you ever been involved in a structured mentorship program before? *
Do you foresee any barriers to being active in this role, such as internet access, language, etc.?
Please indicate below.
Apart from English, do you speak any other languages?
If so, please list them.
Do you have any questions for us?  *
Is there any additional information you would like to share?
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