Thank you so much for getting in touch, please complete this short form with details about your project, and we'll email you back ASAP.

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Email *
Name *
Address of project (full address incl. house number required to progress enquiry) *
Phone number 
Project Scope
(check as many as apply, if considering but unsure, check anyway)
Approximate total project budget (just as a guide - doesn't need to be certain at this stage)
When do you hope to start the build phase of your project, ideally? *
Optional brief description of your project, what's not working currently, what are you looking to add/change?

If you have a link to sales particulars/floor plan please include it here, thank you. If you have sales particulars files offline, please email them to, thanks!
How did you hear about Eaves Home?
If recommendation/word of mouth, please share who has been lovely enough to spread the word:
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