Outstanding Deaf Student Award 2023 - Nomination
Please read the awards criteria carefully at: https://sadeaf.org.sg/deaf-achievers-awards-2023/

Do ensure that the nominee consents to be nominated.

To send in your nomination, upload the following in a zip file
1) Photo of Nominee
2) Academic Results & Supporting Documents of Nomination (if any)

The zip file should be named in the following way: Nominee Name_Nomination Category

Upload the zip file to ca@sadeaf.org.sg via this link: https://wetransfer.com/
with title as 'Nomination submissions for SADeaf Deaf Achievers Award 2023'

*Incomplete submissions will not be accepted.
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Nominee Details
Nomination Category *
Nominee Salutation *
Nominee's Full Name *
NRIC Number *
Last 4 digits - e.g. 123A
Registered Client Number *
The nominee must be a registered client of SADeaf.
Name of School *
Course of Study
Nominee's Mobile Number *
Nominee's Email Address *
Academic Performance
Please list the nominee’s latest academic results from 2022 or last full academic year. *
Month - Year, Type of Exam Taken (Internal & External), Results
List the roles of the nominee in extra-curricular activities in 2022 or during the last full academic year.
Start Date - End Date, Type of Co-Curricular Activity, Role
Please elaborate on the reason(s) you nominate him/her as the Outstanding Deaf Student. *
Nominator's Details
Nominator's Salutation *
Nominator's Name *
Nominator's Mobile Number *
Nominator's Email Address *
Declaration *
Data Protection Notice *
SADeaf collects personal data from clients and nominators via this nomination form. We use the personal data collected for the purpose of administering the award application process.   
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