Feedback on the book "Learn Python with Jupyter"
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How long have you been coding? *
To what extent have you read "Learn Python with Jupyter"? *
What do you use "Learn Python with Jupyter" for? *
Are the explanations clear? *
Are the theoretical exercises useful? *
Are the solutions of the theoretical exercises clear? *
Are the coding exercises useful? *
Are the solutions of the coding exercises clear? *
Are the recaps at the end of each chapter useful? *
Are the "In more depth" sections at the end of each chapter useful? *
How would you rate the book design (font type, font size, colors, page size, etc.)? *
How would you rate the book structure (e.g. alternation of text, examples, and exercises)? *
How is/was your experience about book download, notebooks download, website retrieval, and access to exercise solutions? *
How is your experience about installing Anaconda, opening your first notebook, and accessing GitHub for exercise solutions? *
Do you think that you have learned/improved computational thinking? *
Do you think that you have learned/improved Python coding? *
What do you like the most about "Learn Python with Jupyter"? *
What would you change in "Learn Python with Jupyter"? *
Is there anything else you would like to share? *
Your name and email address (if you want!)
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