Social Science Quiz : A Library Activity organised by Kendriya Vidyalaya OEF Hazratpur (Firozabad)
Level - Class VI to X
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Class   *
Section : *
What is the Capital of Uttarakhand ? *
1 point
Who was the first Governor General of India after independence ?   *
1 point
What is known as Black Pagoda? *
1 point
Which one is not correct in the following ? *
1 point
What is the currency of Austria ? *
1 point
Kathakali is the  dance style of ? *
1 point
The following River called "Life line of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat" ? *
1 point
Mahanadi River originates from : *
1 point
The Highest peak in India : *
1 point
Select the correct option - Country and Capital : *
1 point
Choose the correct option - State and Folk Dance *
1 point
UNO was founded on : *
1 point
Identify the Great Personality : *
1 point
Image sans légende
Fill in the blank .                                                                    The following great personality and freedom fighter  was the first ............. of independent India ?   *
1 point
Image sans légende
Identify the following monument :   *
1 point
Image sans légende
The following great monument is situated in : *
1 point
Image sans légende
Who was known as the frontier Gandhi : *
1 point
Environmental pollution has taken place on a large scale in: *
1 point
What is the source of income of the Panchayats? *
1 point
The longest day in the southern hemisphere is ? *
1 point
World Tourism Day is celebrated on- *
1 point
When is the International Yoga Day celebrated ? *
1 point
The person who established British rule in India *
1 point
The person who was named as 'Tiger of Mysore' *
1 point
White Revolution is associated with *
1 point
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