Application to AFT-RTA's 2024-2025 Teacher Leader Program
Thank you for your interest in the AFT-RTA's TLP.  We are looking forward to reviewing your application. We will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis, so please submit as soon as possible. 

The application deadline is September 20, 2024.

Program Details:
TLP will help you learn more about our union, our schools & current issues in education. You will also study action research & complete your own research project. All RTA members are invited to apply. To receive more info or if you have questions, email Corrine Mundorff:

- Prior research experience is not required!
- A modest stipend is provided to those who complete the program.  
- Participants are required to attend one Saturday meeting at RTA Offices each month from 9:00am-4:00pm. Saturday dates are: 10/5/24, 11/2/24, 12/7/24, 1/11/25, 2/8/25, 3/8/25*, 4/5/25, and 5/3/25.
- Participants are required to attend and present their action research project at our culminating showcase on 6/7/25. (*March date is tentative due to a pending scheduling collaboration with AFT.)

Click the link below to watch a video detailing the program and its national impact.
AFT's Teacher Leader's Program at Chicago Teachers Union

Application Details:
Please read through the application in its entirety before you begin your application. Google Forms does not save your progress as you work, so we recommend writing your essay in a Google Doc or Word first, and then cutting and pasting it into this Google Form. Additionally, please obtain confirmation from your references before clicking submit.  

Finally, we recommend completing the form via computer rather than mobile phone. If you have technical issues, please email:  

Applicants who are selected to move forward will be invited for a group interview. The application committee will be in touch with you as soon as possible regarding the status of your application.

*If you are a Year 2 Applicant please email Corrine Mundorff ( directly instead of completing this application.

We expect to announce the full cohort by September 25th.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Personal Email Address (not your RCSD email) *
Are you a RTA member? (This program is only for RTA members.) *
Did you attend the June 2024 Showcase or an informational meeting? (This isn't necessary, but helps to put faces to names!) *
Phone Number *
School where you will be located for the 2024/2025 school year. *
Current role at your school. (for ex: grade and subject, social worker, librarian, registrar, etc.) *
How many years have you been in education? How many years have you been in the RCSD? *
What degrees and certifications did you obtain to become an educator? Please list your credentials and the institutions that they are from.  *
What professional development topics have you focused on recently? *
Have you ever conducted research? If so, please give a brief description. (Note: you do NOT need prior research experience to be a strong candidate for the program.) *
Please list your areas of interest in education and education policy. *
TLP is an invigorating and time-consuming program. Please tell us how you will be able to balance your existing work responsibilities with your new TLP requirements. If you are planning on obtaining more certification/credentials during this upcoming year, please explain your plan for balancing your workload.   *
Our meeting schedule will be as follows: Saturdays from 9am-4pm on the following dates - 10/5/24, 11/2/24, 12/7/24, 1/11/25, 2/8/25, 3/8/25*, 4/5/25, and 5/3/25(*March date is tentative due to a pending scheduling collaboration with AFT.) Additionally, our presentation showcase will be held on 6/7/25 time tbd. Attendance is MANDATORY and you MUST commit to all dates. Does this schedule work for you? *
Please check off if you agree to meet these requirements of TLP.  If selected, you must adhere to these requirements. *
References: Please write the name and the email addresses of two references. If you continue in the application process, we may contact these people to hear more about your qualifications. Please obtain their permission before you submit their names here. Appropriate references would be from your principal, grade-level/department chair, colleague, student you teach, parent of a student you teach, or other individual who can speak to your leadership abilities, student/teacher advocacy, and school improvement efforts (if possible). *
Essay: Please write a short essay (of approximately 500 words typed, i.e. 1-2 double spaced pages) describing how you developed/implemented an initiative that produced a positive classroom or school change. Be specific about your role. Don't forget to include a heading with your name and contact information.  We suggest that you type, edit and complete your essay in a Google Doc or Word, and then cut and paste into this form.
You may also email your essay to Corrine Mundorff at If emailing your essay, please state so below.
By typing your name below you acknowledge all provided information is accurate to the best of your knowledge and your commitment to the AFT-RTA Teacher Leadership Program should you be selected to participate. *
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