Volunteer Application -- Perma Vida Foundation
This questionnaire aims to assess your relevant skills, interests, experience, and education to explore how we might develop a symbiotic relationship. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
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Email *
Full Name *
Date of Birth *
Cedula or Passport Number *
Best Phone Number
Current Location *
Current Mailing Address *
How did you find us? *
How would you describe your mission in life? *
What professional activities bring you the most joy? *
How do you normally generate income? What do you charge for this work? *
What kind of work would you do for free? How much time are you available to volunteer on a weekly basis? *
What is your education background? *
What is your work history? *
What are your most developed skills? *
If you had unlimited money, what would you do with it? *
Are you currently living or traveling with friends, family, or pets? If so, please describe your tribe. *
What are your primary modes of transportation? *
Do you have any physical or mental health conditions that might impact your ability to volunteer in certain ways? If so, please describe. *
What are your dietary needs and preferences? *
Who may we contact on your behalf in case of an emergency? Please include name, email, and phone. *
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Thank you! We greatly appreciate your time and energy.
We will be in touch with you soon!
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