VOTS Fall League 2024 ~ Registration/Wait List
As of 8/14/24, 21:43: All registrations will go to the wait list. If you are interested in playing, please, still send your information, but do NOT pay until you are contacted by a VOTS representative.

Please provide a valid email address below at which your team captains and/or the league directors can contact you. You will also receive a confirmation email at this address.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Gender Identity *
Please, select the gender identity option that best aligns with your gender identity. Teams are formed with and play on the field with a specified personnel ratio of man-matching and woman-matching players which will be set in the league rules according to actual registration numbers. VOTS ultimate will not discriminate on the basis of gender identity, regardless of sex assigned at birth, or any other form of gender expression for participation in any league or event.
Age *
VOTS policy states that:
  • Ages 18 and over are allowed to participate in VOTS-sponsored leagues.
  • Ages 16-17 must have signed parental consent to participate in VOTS-sponsored leagues and must turn 16 by the last day of league finals.  Players who are 16-17 can sign up but must submit a signed parental waiver. The waiver can be printed from <http://vots.org/Waiver.doc>.
VOTS Email List
The BEST way to keep up-to-date on VOTS events (including LEAGUE ANNOUNCEMENTS) is by joining the VOTSPlayers Google group. The list is moderated and messages are generally on-topic. Would you like to be added to the VOTSPlayers email list (using the email address provided above)?
Other Payment Information
If your payment email address is different from the address above, or if you're paying for another registrant (or they're paying for you), enter additional information below.
City of Residence *
Zip Code *
Phone Number
Shirt Size *
Shirts will be provided if enough players for 10+ teams are registered.

Shirts from BAW Athletic Wear (chest sizing refers to flat shirt width, double for size around) 
Women's SizingMen's Sizing
Using the scale below, which of these describes your highest level of EXPERIENCE playing ultimate? *
  1. I am new to this sport.
  2. I've played informal pickup only.
  3. I've played 1-2 seasons of league (with VOTS or elsewhere) or played pickup for years.
  4. I've played 3-6 seasons of league (with VOTS or elsewhere) or 5+ full weekend tournaments.
  5. I've played 7+ seasons of league (with VOTS or elsewhere) or 2 years of college ultimate.
  6. I have played 3+ years of college or 2+ years of club ultimate.
  7. I have played TONS of club ultimate or at the Nationals/Worlds college/club level.
Year started playing: *
If this is one of your first three VOTS leagues, please give a brief description of where, how long, and at what level you have played in the past.
 What position do you usually play in a league game?"
Clear selection
Using the scale below, how would you rate your CUTTING skills? *
  1. I am a novice/What is a "cut"?
  2. I know what a stack is and am still learning to make cuts or struggle to get open in a league game.
  3. I am comfortable making cuts/catching at a league level.
  4. I have good cutting/catching skills at a league level. (top half of league)
  5. I have strong cutting/catching skills at a league level. (top 1/3 of league)
  6. I could be one of the top cutters on a competitive Regionals level college /club team. (top 10% of league)
Using the scale below, how would you rate your THROWING skills? *
  1. I have rarely thrown a disc before/I am learning to throw.
  2. I am comfortable throwing a backyand, but the forehand still needs work.
  3. I have average throwing skills at a league level.
  4. I have reliable throwing skills at a league level, am comfortable handling, and may have good long throws (top half of league).
  5. I have throwing skills to be a primary handler at a league level (top 1/3 of league)
  6. I could be a reliable handler on a competitive Regionals level club/college team (top 10% of league).
Using the scale below, how would you rate your DEFENSIVE skills? *
  1. I am a novice/I don't know what a mark, stall, or force is.
  2. I know what a mark is and how to guard a player in a stack.
  3. I have average defensive skills at a league level and I know what a zone is.
  4. I have strong defensive skills at a league level, with a good understanding of defensive strategies (top half of league).
  5. I can confident in my ability to guard almost anyone in league. (top 1/3 of league)
  6. I could be one of the top defenders on a competitive Regionals level college/club team. (top 10% of league)
Using the scale below, how would you describe your current CONDITIONING level? *
  1. I haven’t exercised in years/I get winded easily.
  2. I exercise infrequently but am in decent shape.
  3. I am in average condition at a league/recreational sport level.
  4. I am in average condition at a club sport level.
  5. I am in top physical condition.
Using the scale below, how would you describe your SPEED? *
  1. I’ve lost a step along the way/I never had a step to begin with.
  2. I’m not that fast.
  3. I feel evenly matched with most league players.
  4. I can beat most players in league in a footrace.
  5. I can beat all other players in league in a footrace.
Height *
(ex. ft' in")
Comments on conditioning / injuries:

Estimate how many nights that you MIGHT MISS during the season: *
Just a number, please. We'll ask about specific dates in the next question.
Specific dates you will miss:
If you don't know, please leave blank.
Night Requirement, or Other notable scheduling conflicts (ex. out due to team practices):
For the sake of league balance, please, ONLY STATE A NIGHT REQUIREMENT if your schedule demands it!
Will you be able to play at Fall League Finals on  November 23rd, 10am-6pm?  *
If you say “no” now and your schedule changes after draft, you will need permission from the League Director to be allowed to play at League Finals.
Baggage, Couples, Carpoolers

Woman-matching players new to ultimate are guaranteed to be placed on a team with one person they ask for.

We expect that most baggage requests (people requesting to play on the same team) can be accommodated. Every attempt will be made to fill baggage requests, including multiple requests, with priority to new players and woman-matching players.

Mixed teams will have a man-matching captain and a woman-matching captain.
In addition to picking your team at draft, captaining includes:
  • reporting scores
  • helping sound time caps
  • occasionally setting up fields
  • communicating game details with your team
  • working to foster a safe and inclusive experience for all players
Are you willing to captain? *
If 'yes' or 'maybe,' do you have a co-captain in mind?
If you have any questions about league, please contact Jose Miller  <fallleague@vots.org>. If you have problems with the website, contact Katherine Nabity <webmaster@vots.org>.
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