CSforALL Summit Reflection
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What is you sector of education?
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2. How would you rate the quality of the day's theme and presentations?
3. Are you currently teaching CS?
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4. Please provide your feedback on the rollout of the CS Senior Cycle specification? *
5. What are the enablers to schools’ uptake of Computer Science?
6. What are the barriers to schools’ uptake of Computer Science?
7. What would you say are the most prevalent obstacles, external to schools, to effectively implementing the pedagogical changes associated with the Computer Science specification?
8. How effective do you believe the approach of the CS specification is for teaching (which includes more project based learning, student direct practice), in preparing students for the Leaving Certificate?
9. How effective do you believe the approach of the CS specification is for teaching (which includes more project based learning, student direct practice), in preparing students for the world, post-leaving certificate?
10. In your view what should be the role of industry in Computer Science senior cycle?
11. To what extent do you believe your teacher colleagues value Computer Science as a subject in your school?
12. Is there anything else you would like to share about the day?
If you are happy to be contacted again in regard to CS education research, please leave your email address here:
Thank you
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