JSB Movie and Movement - Pizza Order Request
Dear JSB Community,

We hope to see you for Movie and Movement night, June 2nd, 2022. There will be pizza and complimentary water available between the movie and movement portions of the event. We kindly ask that you pre-order to help us to plan.

Pizza is $2/slice and $20 for a whole pizza (10 slices).

Please specify order details below by May 29th, 2022. Please forward payments via e-transfer to cgomezf@icloud.com or cheque made out to “JSB Junior Middle School” (this can be given to your child’s teacher).

Looking forward to building JSB school spirit with your help. Thank you!

General questions can be sent to >>>>> at >>>>.
Payment questions can be sent to Cesar at cgomezf@icloud.com.

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How many slices of pizza would you like to order? ($2/slice, $20 for a whole pizza, 10 pieces) *
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