UMMAP Site Steward Application

Union stewards are expected to wear many hats: communicator, advocate, shop floor lawyer, negotiator, mediator. Co-workers rely on good stewards to stand up to management, to know the contract, and to help find solutions even when a workplace problem isn’t covered under the collective bargaining agreement. - Joe DeManuelle-Hall, Labor Notes

Please complete this form if you are interested in running for UMMAP Steward
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Job Title
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What is your job title?
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Personal (non-work) email
I understand that serving as a steward will require me to attend meetings outside of my work hours as a volunteer.
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I also understand that I may be asked to represent colleagues resolving workplace matters.  This will require that I maintain the highest level of confidentiality.
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I understand that serving as a steward will require me to attend 6 hours of steward training annually.
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