<> DUHacks 4.0

Thank you for your interest in participating in the <> DUHacks 4.0 Github Star Giveaway! To enter the giveaway, please fill out the form below and ensure that you have followed all the instructions.


  1. Step 1: Star both specified repositories on GitHub.
  2. Step 2: Fill out this form with your details and the GitHub link to your profile.
  3. Step 3: Confirm that you have starred both repositories by selecting the corresponding options.
Note : You must have to complete all the steps to make yourself eligible for giveaway.
We will be checking that you have starred the repository or not on backend make sure you are not having false entries.
Email *
Your Full Name *
Star the DevPod repository on GitHub to enter the giveaway!
Star the vCluster repository on GitHub to enter the giveaway!
Your Github Profile Link to cross verify (Example: ) *
Give your Tshirt Size  *
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