Project Lioness 2025 Cohort Application 
What IS Project Lioness?

A guided journey in mastering the art of transforming fear & survival instincts to more confidence, courage, clarity, & certainty in all areas of your life. 

This application is designed to help you dig deep into WHY you feel called to join our cohort at this time in your life. Your vulnerability and realness helps us craft the cohort specifically for YOU. 

The Project Lioness Cohort is uniquely tailored to those feel innately called to say YES to the "ROAR" within. 

The intention of this cohort is to guide you on a journey of EMBODIMENT & EMPOWERMENT in all areas of your life:

    Physical Health/Biology


    Mental-Emotional Mastery




    Intimate & Meaningful Relationships


    Money Consciousness & Financial Health


    Familial/Generational Intentions


    Spirituality & Higher Purpose

How? The Basics of Project Lioness

Over a 6 month timeframe, you, Dr. Mel, & a group of individuals will be guided through the 8 Foundational Elements of Project Lioness to breakthrough blindspots in your life and guide you back HOME to your own authentic power. You can think of this work as a complete rewiring & recalibration of the body, mind, & spirit. If you feel called to this work, you most likely have become aware of the personal programs and patterns that no longer serve WHO you are becoming in this next chapter of your life. 

This cohort is designed to teach you HOW to rewire and recalibrate from not only a mental perspective, but a somatic and embodied/nervous system perspective as well. We as humans have all developed ways of dealing with the demands of life (aka TRAUMA) over time. 

The question to ask is how well are those "ways of dealing with life" serving YOU and what you truly value? 
What if you could transmute lingering, survival instincts to more power, purpose and play and directly apply the results to any area of your life?

Ultimately, this work is designed to stretch you and the leader emerging from within so we want to make sure it's an aligned match for all involved!

Please fill out this application to the best of your heart's ability.

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First & Last Name *
Contact info: email + phone  *
Mailing Address  *
What called you to The Project Lioness Cohort? AND/OR to work directly with Dr. Mel and her team? *
What personal gifts do you feel you could contribute to the cohort? *
Where do you feel most stuck/contracted in your life at this time? *
Where do you feel most free/expansive in your life at this time? *
On a scale of 0-10, how ready are you to say YES to YOU within The Project Lioness Cohort? Why did you pick that number? In other words, if it's not a 10, what do you sense is getting in the way? *
Are you fully committed to investing in direct support & guidance on your physical-mental-emotional mastery path over a 6 month period? If not, how do you envision getting resourceful in your enrollment process?  *
How do you envision The Project Lioness Cohort serving your unique values, goals, life projects, etc.? *
If you could choose anything in your life to TRANSFORM as a result of participating in this cohort & curriculum, what would it be and why? *
On a scale from 0-10, how coachable are you?
- 0I'm dense and unwilling to change. I prefer to stay stuck in my drama story.

-10I am BEYOND coachable and READY for transformation. I am very open and willing to receive feedback.
On a scale from 0-10, how ready and willing are you to say YES to your next chapter of growth in this Inspire Alignment process?
- 0I'm not ready at all. 

-10I am MORE than ready to do what it takes and invest the time, energy, money, and resources into my personal growth and transformation. 

**NOTE - this program is NOT cheap & is well over 5 figures in VALUE and completely over delivers.

We will discuss the actual investment more when we connect!
Is there anything else you desire for our team to know at this time? Feel free to share from the heart <3 This is you time to express what's MOST alive in relation to this work and this cohort. *
To get a better sense of what The Project Lioness Cohort is all about, please listen to this podcast to deepen your understanding of the power that is available to you when you say YES to this work:
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