HCS Friends
Thank you for your interest in the Friends of Hertford Choral Society. We are delighted to welcome you.

HCS Friends play a key role in helping the choir to continue a long-standing and successful tradition of staging live choral music in Hertford.

An essential ingredient of any HCS concert programme is the recruitment of professional orchestras and musicians of the highest calibre to accompany the choir.

The support given by Friends means that we can continue to meet these standards ensuring that, where appropriate and possible, performers are locally recruited. It also enables us to nurture young talent helping to support a healthy future for choral music.

By completing this form, you enable us to collect the information necessary to support the scheme. Thank you for your time.

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Your first name *
Your surname *
Your telephone number (mobile)
Your telephone number(land line)
First line of your address
Second line of address (if applicable)
Thank you for agreeing to make an annual donation for the duration of your membership of the HCS Friends scheme. 

The sum donated is at your discretion and we are extremely grateful for all the support given.

Please let us know how you would like to proceed. Where possible, online payments are preferred:
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