Knoxville Winter Work Available (Even with no experience)
For the past 30 years, we have offered a 1-5 week Winter break work program for students. Review the position description below, provide contact info, and you will be contacted shortly!

Have successfully worked with students from:
U. of Tennessee
Tenn Tech

Customer Sales/Service:

Vector Marketing, A+ rating with BBB


-Setting appointments

- Speaking one-on-one with customers

- Presenting products, Cutco (no lying, no pressure tactics)

- Answering questions

- Helping customers place orders


- Two part pay program

- Base pay not based on sales or results ($30 base/appt.)

- Incentive pay with an opportunity to earn more based on performance

- Flexible schedules

- Resume builder / enhance communication skills

- Work in a team environment

- Scholarships possible (conditions apply)

- Possible pay raises and advancement based on performance

(Note: no knocking on random doors, no cold-calling, and no experience required)

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