North Boise FC Player Interest Form
Interested in playing on a NBFC competitive team this 24/25 season? Complete this form and if a team has opening, a coach will contact you regarding tryouts. If there are no openings for the 24/25 season we hope to see you at tryouts the third week of June 2025.
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Email *
What is your players name (first and last)? *
What is your player's gender? *
What is your player's birth year?  *
What is your email address? *
What is your phone number? *
Is your player currently registered for a team with another soccer club? If yes, which club? *
If your player is currently registered with another club, IYSA rules require us to notify the other club of your communication with NBFC. We are unable to communicate with you until we have your club's written permission. *
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