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Application Fotokommission
Thank you for your interest in the Fotokommission. Please fill out this form so that we have all relevant data.
We will review applications at the beginning of each semester and reach out to you then.
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First name
Your answer
Last name
Your answer
Studying at
Alumni of ETH
Alumni of UZH
Immatriculation Number
Your answer
ETH-Shortform (the part before your @
Your answer
Study Subject
Your answer
Expected last semester (eg SS2022 or AS2023)
Your answer
Instagram Channel
Your answer
Personal Website
Your answer
Google Account
Your answer
Microsoft Account
Your answer
What jobs would you be interested in doing? (mid term, it's okay if you don't feel ready yet)
Event Photography
Reportage (eg Polykum)
No jobs please!
What courses would you be interested in teaching? (mid term, it's okay if you don't feel ready yet)
Please refer to our current courses and modules and specify if you have any concrete preferences, you can also propose new ideas!
Technical Courses
Creative Modules
Whatever needs to be done
No courses please!
In what way do you hope to profit from your time in the Fotokommission?
We strongly believe that both sides have to get something out of a deal if it is supposed to be a good deal. We want to make sure you actually profit from your time at Fotokommission.
Your answer
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