DD Awareness Day Bus Registration
Event Timing:March 11. 2025
Contact us at (630) 885-3006 or info@celebratedifferences.org
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Name *
Name of second attendee *
Email *
Cell Phone Number *
T-shirt Size First Attendee *
T-shirt Size Second Attendee *
I understand that I will have to provide my own lunch and wear the t-shirt provided. *
I understand that riding on the bus is a potentially dangerous activity. I understand that the bus may need to stop suddenly and without warning. Riding without a seat belt, standing, and walking in a moving bus is inherently dangerous. I understand that the floor and steps in the bus may be slippery, particularly if it is raining.  I assume all risks associated with my use of  the bus services, as well as all risk of loss, theft or damage of personal property while using the bus. I will not bring any action against the Celebrate Difference, its board members or volunteers or the bus company and it's employees, agents, successors, and/or assigns, for personal injury property loss, or property damage, including any action for negligence, breach of warranty, products liability or strict liability, and hereby forever waive, on my own behalf and on behalf of my successors and/or assigns, the right to bring such action. 
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