Work In Firelands Business Survey
Please, if you can, take a few minutes to provide us your feedback on the Work In Firelands program.  Your feedback will help us identify areas that are working well and ones that we can refine further.  Thank you.
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On a scale from 1-10, how easy is it to use this platform? *
If you could make an enhancement to the website or the support services to make your experience better, what would it be?  *
Have you been able to find quality candidates to fill your hiring needs through Work In Firelands?  *
What are your current hiring needs? 
How likely is it that you would recommend Work In Firelands' services to a colleague or another business?
Extremely Likely
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(OPTIONAL) If you are open to it, please provide us a quote that we could share with others about your experience in using the WorkInFirelands Platform. If you are comfortable, please share with us your name so that we can attribute the quote to you.
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