La foire de santé
For each group, provide both positive feedback (What did they do well?) as well as suggestions for what they can do to improve their product and/or presentation. This feedback will be shared anonymously with the class.
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Nom de famille *
Prénom *
Classe *
Groupe 1
What did this group do well? *
What suggestions do you have to improve their product/presentation? *
Groupe 2
What did this group do well? *
What suggestions do you have to improve their product/presentation? *
Groupe 3
What did this group do well? *
What suggestions do you have to improve their product/presentation? *
Groupe 4
What did this group do well? *
What suggestions do you have to improve their product/presentation? *
Groupe 5
What did this group do well? *
What suggestions do you have to improve their product/presentation? *
Groupe 6
What did this group do well? *
What suggestions do you have to improve their product/presentation? *
Groupe 7
What did this group do well?
What suggestions do you have to improve their product/presentation?
Groupe 8
What did this group do well?
What suggestions do you have to improve their product/presentation?
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