What Women Need - WIN Survey
The survey is intended for women, both active and non active in sports, of whatever age. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will contain both open and closed questions. The goal is to gather insights relevant to the project's objectives, which focus on combating social isolation of women and gender-based violence, and fostering female empowerment in sports. www.winproject.online 
Email *
What is your age? *
What is your current occupation *
How would you describe your daily routine? *
Do you currently participate in any sports activities? *
If yes, what sports do you participate in?
What motivated you to start participating in sports?
Have you ever stopped participating in a sport?
If yes, why?
Have you faced any challenges in participating in sports?
If yes, what are these challenges?
What support or resources do you think are missing for women in sports?
How do you think your community views women in sports?
Very negatively
Very positively
Have societal attitudes affected your participation in sports?
If yes, how?
What type of support have you received for your sports involvement?
What additional support would you like to have?
Can you share a personal story of empowerment or discouragement in sports?
What changes or initiatives would you like to see for women in sports?
Do you have any suggestions for improving this survey?
Which country are you from? *
Thank you for participating. Would you like to receive updates about the "What Women Need - WIN" project?
If yes, please write your contact email address
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