BPM Custom Songs Artist Application

Thank you for your interest in being a valued member of the BPM Custom Songs community. We are looking for top-notch vocalists to help bring our clients' stories to life with custom songs. While we are primarily looking for vocalists, producers/composers may also submit the application.

Please note: Currently all songs are written in-house. Vocalists are not required to write, produce, mix or master sound recordings. However, we do require vocals to be recorded in a recording studio or with professional equipment at home. Do not submit an application if you're unable to adhere to these requirements.

We look forward to the possibility of creating some great music with you!

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Your first & last name: *
Artist name (or Band if you're a vocalist in a band): *
Your music website: *
Your BEST email address: *
Which BEST describes you?: *
Provide a DIRECT link to your music: *
What is your PRIMARY musical genre?: *
What is your SECONDARY musical genre? (optional):
List at least three (3) of your musical influences: *
Briefly tell us a little bit about yourself: *
How did you hear about BPM Custom Songs?: *
Do you acknowledge that vocals must be recorded with professional equipment in studio or at home?: *
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