The 9th International USERN Congress and Prize Awarding Festival 

We are pleased to inform you that the 9th International USERN Congress and Prize Awarding Festival will be held on November 8th-10th, 2024, in the beautiful city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The theme of the 9th Congress is “Bringing Science to Life”, the potential power of different fields of science, when integrating, joining, and making the united science, in spreading peace globally.

More than 30 international renown scientists have already confirmed their contribution to the Congress scientific program. 
If you are interested in joining us in this fantastic scientific event, please fill out the following form. The Registration team will contact you for further steps to complete your registration. 

You can find more details about the scientific program and the speakers on our website: 
Any updates on the program will be announced on our website. 

The deadline for Late registration is September 30th, 2024.

After completing your registration, you can fill out the Accommodation, Transfer, Social Programs form:

In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us via:

Sincerely yours,
USERN2024 Executive Team
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In which sessions of the 9th International USERN Congress you would like to register?  *
Are you planning to submit an abstract for the Junior Oral or Poster Presentation at the congress? *
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