Writing Evaluation
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5th Grade
Title: "A Famous Person"

INSTRUCTIONS:  Based on your analysis of the student’s writing sample(s), select the level (1-4) for each category that best describes the student’s abilities.
Composing *
1 - Lack of central idea; no details, random digression
2 - Lack of focused central idea, or more than one idea; limited details and many digressions
3 - Central idea but with fewer details and some digressions
4 - Central idea with relevant details in a well-organized text
Style *
1 - Limited vocabulary; choppy sentences; flat tone
2 - Basic vocabulary; limited to no sentence variety; inconsistent tone
3 - Acceptable vocabulary choices; some sentence variety; consistent but less appealing tone
4 - Well-chosen vocabulary; excellent sentence variety; tone that appeals to readers
Sentence Formation *
1 - Frequent non-standard word order; mostly run-on sentences or sentence fragments; omissions of many words; errors frequently detract from meaning
2 - Some non-standard word order; several run-on sentences; several sentence fragments; omissions of several words; errors somewhat detract from meaning
3 - Mostly standard word order; some run-on sentences; some sentence fragments; occasional omission of words; errors do not detract from meaning
4 - Standard word order; no run-on sentences; no sentence fragments; effective transitions
Sentence Formation
Usage *
1 - Little to no correct use of inflections; frequent tense shifts; little to no subject-verb agreement; many errors in word meaning; errors fully detract from meaning
2 - Some correct use of inflections; some consistency in tense and subject-verb agreement; several errors in word meaning; errors somewhat detract from meaning
3 - Mostly correct use of inflections; mostly consistent tense and subject-verb agreement; mostly standard word meaning; errors do not detract from meaning
4 - Correct use of inflection (e.g., verb conjugations, plurals, prefixes, suffixes, adverbs, etc.); consistent tense; consistent subject-verb agreement; standard word meaning
Mechanics *
1 - Little to no correct use of mechanics or formatting; errors fully detract from meaning
2 - Some correct use of mechanics and formatting; errors somewhat detract from meaning
3 - Mostly correct use of mechanics and formatting; errors do not detract from meaning
4 - Correct use of mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, spelling), and formatting
Overall, what are the student's strengths and areas in need of improvement? *
Describe at least two specific issues, strategies, or skills you could focus on with this student in a mini-lesson or one-on-one writing conference to help the student improve his or her English writing ability. *
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