Period Poverty Awareness Week Volunteer Group Sign Up Form
Hello! Thank you so much for your interest in working with us to gather products and/or volunteer with us on May 22nd at 7pm at Studio 67 in Medford. We are looking for:
  • South Jersey community organizations to collect makeup bags and menstrual products for use in the packing event, and;
  • Volunteers to come pack Flow Kits on May 22nd in Medford!
You can sign up to do one or both. No worries if you need to change later on (ie. you didn't sign up to volunteer but would like to, or you signed up but can no longer make it). Just email Sarah at to let her know something has changed.

To find out more about Flow Forward NJ, please visit Thank you!
Email *
What is your name? *
What is your email? *
What organization are you representing? (put "self" if you are an individual volunteer/community member) *
What are you signing up for? *
If volunteering, how many volunteers do you anticipate bringing?
Questions, Comments, Concerns?
Email if you have any questions. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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