River Hill Young Democrats Town Hall Debate Attendance
Thank you for your interest in the River Hill Young Democrats Town Hall Debate! Please fill out the form below to confirm your attendance for the event.

: Monday, May 6th from 6-8 PM
Where: River Hill High School
What: Town Hall Debate between candidates in the MD District 3 Congressional Race
Candidates confirmed: Dr. Clarence Lam, Aisha Khan, Dr. Terri Hill, Don Quinn, Delegate Mark Chang, John Morse, Abigail Diehl

Please note that this event is first come, first serve as we only have 80 audience seats available, so if you want to attend please confirm ASAP.
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Will you be attending the debate as an audience member or as an NHS volunteer?

Note: Volunteers are expected to show up at 5:15 to help with set up, and expected to stay for the duration of the debate for a total of 3 service hours.
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Are you a student? If so, where? *
Please submit one question that you would like to ask the candidates. You can put N/A if you are unsure or are volunteering. *
Would you like us to call on you to ask your question during the debate?

This would involve the moderators calling your name, you standing up, and asking the question asked above. 

Choose N/A if you did not fill in the question box.
Do you plan on attending the event on Monday, May 6th from 6-8 PM? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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