Kids' Friday Registration
Join our Alexander Twilight Mini-Series from July 17-31! We'll provide a weekly free lunch, lesson plan, and take-home heritage activity kit for your preschool to early elementary school aged child. The Old Stone House Museum curriculum will include resources, lesson plans, suggested activities, and activity guides intentionally developed to build students’ skills and knowledge in an informal, engaging manner. Available to all children in the Northeast Kingdom, Summer 2020’s curriculum will make history and nature come alive!
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What is your child's name? *
What is your child's age? *
July 17-31 are now full. Select if you'd like to be added to the waitlist. Check back soon to register for August dates. On July 17 and 24, the Green Mountain Farm to School will be on-site serving free meals to all children under 18, even those who are not registered for Kids' Friday. So, even if we cannot provide an activity kit, we invite you to visit the OSH village and grab lunch! Meals are available for adults at a cost of $10. *
Does your child need a vegetarian meal? *
Does your child have any food allergies or dietary restrictions? *
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