North Rampart St. Pedestrian Safety Implementation - Follow up Survey
Following on the 2023 North Rampart St. Pedestrian Safety Survey Conducted by VCPORA, respondents indicated the following when it comes to infrastructure improvements:
  • 84.2% support High Visibility Crosswalks with Enhanced Signing and Pavement Markings
  • 70.9% support the return the stoplight on St. Ann & N Rampart
  • 69.8% support adding protection to the existing bike lane on the lake side of N Rampart Street
  • 63.9% support adding speed humps to slow traffic turning onto French Quarter Streets
  • 62.8% support the creation of curb extensions to shorten the distance across pedestrian crossings
  • 28.8% support removing left turn opportunities along N Rampart Street in both directions
If you would like to see the results of the previous survey, click here.

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What was Implemented
Based on these results, VCPORA partnered with the French Quarter Management District and the New Orleans Department of Public Works to implement the following changes along Rampart referenced in the bolded item above:
  1. The addition of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) for pedestrians crossing N. Rampart at St. Ann and St. Philip
  2. Enhanced flex-post protection along the separated bike lane
  3. Green epoxy pavement treatment along the separated bike lane
  4. Enhanced flex-post protection at marked curb extensions
  5. Red epoxy pavement treatment at marked curb extensions
All of these improvements are aimed at improving pedestrian and bike safety along the route. Please take a moment to let us know what you think of the results
What do you think of each of the individual project elements?
The addition of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) for pedestrians crossing N. Rampart at St. Ann and St. Philip
Enhanced flex-post protection along the separated bike lane
Green epoxy pavement treatment along the separated bike lane
Enhanced flex-post protection at marked curb extensions
Red epoxy pavement treatment at marked curb extensions
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Does the project improve your ability to use Rampart street?
In a Car
On a Bike
On Foot
Using Transit
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Based on your experiences with the new infrastructure improvements, would you like to see the following implementations extended along North Rampart Street from Canal to Esplanade?

Green Bike Path Extension
Enhanced flex posts along bike lane
Enhanced flex posts at curb extensions
Increased painted curb extensions at intersections
Reduced Speed on North Rampart
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Would you like to see these types of traffic calming measures or infrastructure introduced to the interior of the French Quarter?

High-visibility No Parking markings in corner zones
Extending the curbs in corner zones to prevent vehicles from occupying this space
Increasing the number of stop signs to reduce speeding
Adding speed bumps to interior streets to reduce speeding
Improved Signage for wayfinding (street signs, parking instructions, traffic control signs)
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