MILC Survey: Learning Opportunities
The Manitou Intentional Learning Community (MILC) is a network of Canadian Shield Regional Council.  MILC is committed to offering events and learning opportunities within the United Church of Canada and beyond.  This survey solicits feedback in order to ensure that MILC's programming meets the needs and interests of the community.  The survey does not gather any personal information that would identify you.  If you wish to know more about the survey or MILC, please contact
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MILC has prioritized learning opportunities in the following areas but would like to learn more from community members about their interests.  

Please indicate your interest in attending events on these  topics by rating them on  a scale of 1 to 5.
1=not interested ; 5=very interested.
Right relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples
Becoming an anti-racist church
2SLGBTQ+ topics
Politics and the church
Environmental issues
Medical assistance in dying
Closing churches – maintaining communities
Creating online communities
Anti-poverty initiatives
Inclusivity (ex: theology of disability, neurodivergence)
New ways of being church
Spiritual practices
Studies for the church year (ex: Advent, Lent, Easter)
Children and youth programming
Ethical living
Engaging for action and advocacy
Are there additional topics you would be interested in learning about that are not listed above? Please describe them below.
What is format of events that you prefer the most?  Check one.
If there is a guest speaker(s) you would like MILC to consider inviting to present, please name them below. 
Please provide any additional feedback that would help MILC plan their programming.
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