Contact Form 

Hi, lovely people my name is Tal (He/Him) and I am a freelance TTRPG writer, game designer, GM, interviewer and video game enthusiast. 

This form has been set up to capture interest from anybody who wants to engage my services or be part of one of my current projects. 

Currently I have the following projects open.

  • Commissions - I am a silver best seller on the DM's Guild and have written for publications including SideQuest and several Kickstarters. Whilst most of my work is for D&D5e I have also created material for Monster of the Week and several indie developers such as Caltrop Core.  I am currently available for freelance work in designing, writing and developing TTRPG material

  • Tal Talks - A youtube series where I interview people in the TTRPG industry. I am currently looking for new guests who want to come on and chat about their work and experiences. I’m especially keen to promote indie companies and designers who want to get themselves known to the wider community 

  • Solo Reviews - This is a new project where I am going to be doing video reviews of solo TTRPG’s. The video will be a review of my experience playing the game, links to the game and author. Depending on the type of game I may also produce an actual play of the game. 

If you are interested in any of the above projects please feel free to get in contact with me. 

Take care of yourselves and those that can’t.


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Can you please tell us your name and if you feel comfortable your pronouns. 
Please add details of the how we can contact you. 
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Are you on social media? If so and you are happy to share please add any handles below and where we can find you.
Which project are you contacting us about? *
Can you tell us a bit about yourself or project that you are contacting us about please
Thanks for getting in touch
If you wanted to find out more about The Gamers Rest and the work that we do you can follow us across the social media @TheGamersRest.

If you wanted to discuss commissions or sponsorship then please feel free to e-mail me

If you would like to support the work that we do you can also check out our Ko-fi 
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