Makor Hayim Builders' form
Hello! Please give yourself about 20-30 minutes to complete this form. If you are applying as part of a couple, we ask that each of you fill out the form individually. If you have any questions as you fill this out, or if you need to share any additional details with us at a later stage, please contact our part-time Community Operations Manager, Angela, on
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A welcome message from Rabbi Daniel Lichman
Welcome! We're delighted that you are interested in becoming a member of and contributor to our community. In doing this you are participating in a long-standing sacred tradition! We read in Torah how the Israelites, as they wandered in the desert, built the mishkan/tabernacle according to how their ‘hearts were uplifted’ and how their ‘spirit was moved’ (Shemot/Exodus 35:21). In this way everyone contributed their unique talents and energy, as well as a monetary contribution to guarantee the creation of this collective endeavor.

This form gives you the opportunity to tell us details about your specific circumstances, experience and interest which may form part of what you hope for from the community that we build together.

May our experience in community uplift our heart and move our spirit to continue to build our mishkah. We look forward to connecting with you and working to build our sacred congregation together.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Makor Hayim community!
Data privacy statement
Our goal is to actively connect and build relationships between people within our community. To do this work well, we need to share some of our Builders' data internally. For example, this could be to connect applicants with a Hineini-team member to have a 1:1 meeting as part of our joining process; to share a Builder's email/number with another Builder who is organising an event which we think could interest that person; or to add new Builders to our email list. The information you share with us will be collected, stored and processed in accordance with UK and EU Data Protection laws. Your information will be stored on our secure systems and shared only with relevant Makor Hayim staff and volunteers as needed. Our full data privacy policy can be found on If you have any questions about our data privacy policy, please email our Community Operations Manager, Angela, at *
Tell us a bit about you ...
First name *
Surname *
Middle name(s)
Hebrew name (if known/applicable)
Your preferred gender pronoun(s) *
Title (if any)
Your address *
City *
Postcode *
Phone number *
Email *
Date of birth (Example: 15 December 1982) *
Profession/occupation *
Who is your next of kin? *
What is their phone number? *
One of our aims is to build a relational Jewish community where people know each other. We aim to ensure that every person has a connection with at least another 7 people in the community. Who else do you know who is part of Makor Hayim? *
Which other groups of people in our community would you like to be connected to? (For example, elders, families with children, bar/bat mitzvah families, teenagers)
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