NJIT Hillier College of Architecture and Design Tour Request (2024 - 2025)
Welcome to the New Jersey Institute of Technology! We are happy to provide free group tours to your students. Please complete all questions to ensure a tour catered to your needs. We will confirm your reservation by email.

NJIT's Hillier College of Architecture & Design is *only* able to provide tours for our spaces in Weston Hall. This does not include the NJIT Makerspace or other on-campus locations. Information on scheduling tours at the Makerspace and the remainder of the NJIT campus can be found at https://www.njit.edu/visit.

Thank you! 
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Email *
First and Last Name of Tour Organizer *
Phone Number for Primary Point of Contact *
Name of School or Community-Based Organization *
Grades *
Tours are available on Wednesdays at 10am or 1pm. Please indicate your preferred tour date. *
We will try to accommodate your first choice but please indicate your second choice for a Wednesday tour. *
Please select a time you would like to visit based on our available options.
Please select which programs of study your group is interested in learning about on the tour. *
Please let us know the approximate number of students in your group.  *
Is there additional information you would like us to know?
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