iBUYPOWER Moderator Application
Thank you for your interest in the moderator position for the official iBUYPOWER Discord server. We strive to ensure that our communities remain a safe and welcoming place for all, and our moderators play a huge role in helping us make this a a reality for our members. 

Let's get to know you a little more! Please fill out this form and add in as much relevant information as you can. An iBUYPOWER staff member will be reviewing this information and reaching out to you directly should there be an opportunity available.

Name *
Discord Username *
Email Address? *
Gender & Preferred Pronouns *
Country of Residence *
Time Zone *
Age *
How long have you been a member of the iBUYPOWER Discord server?  *
What experience do you have moderating a Discord server? *
Do you have Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled in your Discord Account? *
Would you be opposed to enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) if not already enabled? *
Why do you want to be a moderator for the IBUYPOWER Discord server? *
What times are you most active on the server? *
What skills/qualifications do you possess that you believe would make you well-suited for the role of iBP moderator?  *
How would you handle a conflict or disagreement between server members?  *
If someone is excessively spamming comments in a channel, what would you do?  *
Describe a challenging situation you have faced as a moderator in the past. How did you handle it? *
What strategies would you use to encourage active participation and engagement among server members?  *
How would you handle a situation where a server member is repeatedly violating the server rules?  *
How comfortable are you with enforcing established server rules, particularly in difficult situations? *
How do you plan to collaborate with other mods and staff to ensure consistency in enforcing the server rules? *
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your qualifications for this role? 
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