Volunteer Intake Form
Fill out this form to let us know what you are interested in.
Email *
Name *
Pronouns *
Address (Please include civic number, street, apartment number if applicable, city, province, and postal code) *
Please include your civic number, street, apartment number (if applicable), city, province, and postal code.
Are you interested in joining this work as an individual or through your organization? *
Why are you or your organization interested in JustFOOD? *
Please select 1 -  5 recommendations in the JustFOOD Action Plan for the Halifax Region you/your organization are interested in. *
Do you have any volunteer/work experience related to the recommendation(s) you listed above? Please describe briefly. *
Are you interested in strategy development? If yes, please briefly describe your past volunteer/work experiences involving strategy development. *
Please note, opportunities to participate in strategy development will be assigned based on expression of interest and relevant past experience. 
How many hours do you anticipate you will be able to contribute to this work each month? *
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