'Comfort Women' Panel Discussion with Miki Dezaki, Director of Documentary Film "Shusenjo"
Date: July 7th (Wed.) 2021
Time: 20:00~21:00 KST/JST (GMT+9)

Session will be primarily be conducted in English (private session)

1. Understand English
2. Interested in issues regarding East Asia history/politics
3. Students affiliated with YCAEAS, and Campus Asia program (e.g.: WAPEKO). If none of them applies to your case, please indicate your affiliated institution below.

Main Speaker:
Miki DEZAKI, director of "comfort women" documentary film, "Shusenjo".

Other Panelists:
1. Professor Eika Tai - North Carolina State University, who recently just published a book, titled "Comfort Women Activism: Critical Voices from the Perpetrator State".
2. Peace nabi  [평화나비- “peace butterfly”], a network of Korean university students formed to raise the awareness of the “comfort women” history.

1) Aika Sato (Peking University, China)- YCAEAS
2) Alex Chou (Waseda University, Japan) - Waseda Univ.
3) Daeyoung Kim (Korea University, South Korea)- WAPEKO Seoul

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