Bath Tub Race Application
Offical Rules
1. The bathtub must be an OLD STYLE made of cast iron.
2.The tub has to be ‘whole’ except for very minimal cutting for axles and steering. IF a section is cut out for any other reason, it must be welded back on in some form.
3. All bathtub vehicles must be ready to run 30 minutes prior to race time.
4. All tubs must have a drain. I don't know why, but everyone says it should.
5. All vehicles must have been used as a tub, or at least look like they did.
6. All bathtub vehicles must be steerable by the driver in the tub.
8. At no time may the steering control wheel leave the ground.
9. Maximum width of tub parts is 48 inches.
10. Pushers may not use any aides - i.e. roller blades, skates, sails, etc.
11. The only propulsion of the tub is 2 members of team pushing.
12. Decisions of judges are final. All disputes are to be brought to the judge.
13. All entries are to be received online or given to chairman on race day by 10:00 a.m.
14. Total team count is 5. 4 pushers and 1 driver. Remember only 2 push in each heat.
15. Bathtub race heats will be dual competition.
16. Course will be about 250 ft. down Main St. to a turn around point and back.
17. Races are double elimination.
18. All contestants must be 16 years and older. (Under 18 must have parent signature)
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Email *
Organization Name *
First Name (Team Captain) *
Last Name (Team Captain) *
Address (Team Captain)
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone (Team Captain) *
The undersigned hereby releases the Geauga County Maple Festival Inc. from all claims relating to injury and/or death relating to the undersigned's involvement with the BATHTUB RACE at the Geauga County Maple Festival * *
First Name (Driver) *
Last Name (Driver) *
First Name (Pusher 1) *
Last Name (Pusher 1) *
First Name (Pusher 2) *
Last Name (Pusher 2) *
First Name (Pusher 3) *
Last Name (Pusher 3) *
First Name (Pusher 4) *
Last Name (Pusher 4) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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