Seedhack v5.0: Lifelogging
The whole event is free and open to anyone interested in any aspects of Lifelogging. However space is limited and we need to have the correct ratio of skills so please complete this form to express your interest.  If we can’t accommodate you, we’ll let you know over email as we approach the date.

Please complete the form before June 30th.

PS: Seedhack is looking for sponsors! Drop a line: nicola (at)
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Where are you based? *
(city, country)
LinkedIn URL:
Twitter URL:
Your Website URL:
....if you have one
GitHub URL:
Your Profile
Are you currently employed? *
Your area(s) of expertise... *
Your area(s) of expertise... *
If you specialize in business, are you a...
If you specialize in development, are you a...
What is your favorite programming language?
Describe why you would be a critical component of a Lifelogging startup: *
What is the most impressive thing you have built or achieved? *
Are you prevented from working on a new project by any current or past employer who might be able to claim ownership over the new project? *
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